Building a strong employer brand for TIP Group


TIP Group


Transport & logistics


Strategic content
EVP communications

The client

TIP Group is a leading European transportation and logistics provider, offering full-service lease and rental equipment solutions. Headquartered in Amsterdam, TIP Group has a network of 135 service locations spanning 17 countries, with a fleet of over 90,000 trucks, trailers and tankers. It specialises in highly customisable and flexible leasing and rental options, maintenance and repair, digital solutions, sustainable initiatives, and used equipment sales.

The goal

Businesses are always looking for ways to attract and retain top talent. In today’s job market, this means creating a compelling employee value proposition (EVP). EVPs have become increasingly important in recent years due to the ongoing war for talent, with a strong EVP highlighting the tangible and intangible elements a business offers its employees. TIP commissioned Stampa to help create an EVP, which would serve as a starting point to develop internal and external communication campaigns, including recruitment.

The result

Using internal research, Stampa turned the insights gathered within TIP and the values of the EVP into a compelling storyline and messaging. The result was an overall TIP Group EVP and versions tailored to two different target groups: Office based workers and Mechanics. Stampa worked closely with TIP’s directors of communications and HR to coordinate messaging, consistency, and the TIP tone of voice.

TIP transport

Curious to know more about EVP communications? Have a look at our complete content solutions.